Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Roatán - A Hidden Jewel!

This past summer we took our yearly family vacation to a little known destination, Roatán, Honduras. I had read about Roatán in a few diving magazines and all of them talked about how it is a hidden treasure...an up and coming dive destination...a beach lovers paradise so of course I headed down to my local dive shop, Divers Cove, to get the real scoop from my friends.  Everything I found out about this tiny island just convinced me that we had to go.  Convincing the rest of the gang was another thing.  Everyone in the group kept asking where the heck is Roatán and it was only fitting to find out that that is their island slogan -- "Where the F*@K is Roatán ?"  So here's a little geography lesson I gave my family.  Roatán is part of the bay islands and is located just off the coast of Honduras in the Caribbean.  It's sandwiched in between the islands of Útila and Guanaja and is the largest of the Bay Islands -- it's also home to the second largest reef in the world (the Great Barrier Reef of course being the largest) so you know the diving was bound to be incredible -- and it was! The people and the food were also incredible (FOOD TIP:  try the signature dish called Baliada from the lady with the stand in the West End - they are the best on the island and you can't beat the price!)

My First Free Dive

This really is a post about a whole lot of firsts! My first time… free diving in open water, doing underwater photography, and… first time using my free dive gear and GoPro. A whole lot of firsts! It was also a beautiful day for diving despite the wind advisory that was going on. Water was in the 60s, surf was around a feet. I arrived at Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach, CA around 4:30 pm to start my trial run. Don’t get me wrong, I love scuba diving but sometimes, having the convenience of not having all that gear around is liberating! After donning my gear, I start my walk to the beach. I have to admit, this walk was much easier! There were so many families out and about enjoying the great weather of WINTER. People were starting to leave now that the evening was rapidly approaching and the sun was going to set in the next 40 minutes. I better hurry up as well.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Kids on the Blog

Welcome to the wonderful world of diving. Let us begin by stating that we are not professional divers or marine biologists’ just a group of friends and family who fell in love with the sport of diving and are on our way to worldwide dive adventures. We are based out of South Florida and Southern California and we look forward to bringing you our non-professional view of the SCUBA community.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just getting started!

That's right folks! We are finally getting the show on the road. What's the first thing everyone needs? Facebook and every other social media out there. So... instead of diving, I'm opening accounts.

Facebook page: Diveonauts (come like us!!)
Twitter: @Diveonauts

What else am I missing?

We may eventually start our own website but for now... we hope you will come back to visit our blogs and learn more about diving and our oceans!